River Hills ARC Hamfest
Saturday April 20, 2024 Location: Fraternal Order of Eagles, 2746 W St Joseph St, Perryville, MO 63775 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Raffle drawing at 12:00 P.M. Admission Tickets in $5.00 each. Children under 12
Saturday April 20, 2024 Location: Fraternal Order of Eagles, 2746 W St Joseph St, Perryville, MO 63775 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Raffle drawing at 12:00 P.M. Admission Tickets in $5.00 each. Children under 12
The Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club, in the spring of 2023, began monthly tests of simplex capabilities. Terrain challenges in an area that encompasses 656.3 square miles ranges from 445-1000 ft above sea level has
Come along for the journey as K6UDA puts together his indoor ham radio station room or ” Ham Shack”. He’ll show you the basic parts you’ll need and how to install your first outside antenna.
Mistake #5…Not Immersing Yourself in the Culture I have been very blessed to do medical mission work throughout Central America since I was 13 years old. After the first week of my first trip,
Mistake #4…Having Unrealistic Expectations of My Abilities and Gear I have always been the guy with big dreams and high hopes. Because of this, I also have high expectations. This is true of anything
Mistake #3…Skimping on Quality Equipment There is an old tale that states the origin of stranded copper wire resulted from two hams fighting over a penny found on the ground at a hamfest. I totally
Mistake #2…Having a Lack of Focus The second mistake I fell victim to was utterly overwhelming my mind—and bank account—in pursuit of finding the “best” equipment and operating practices available, ranging from the top radio
When I hear that a ham has abandoned the hobby, one of the most common reasons given is that it was “just too hard to get started.” Getting the license is the easy part. It
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those on 70cm/33cm/23cm, 440Mhz/900Mhz/1.2Ghz Bands with Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI! https://youtu.be/w1ldsNsc7-s – 160 Meters – 80 Meters – 40 Meters
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those on VHF, 2 METERS and 1.25 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 2 METERS
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those on 60, 30 17, 15, and 12 METERS. We’ve grouped short, individual videos into this single post on five ham
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 160 METERS. One word of caution – you may need access to a lot of real estate! Join Ham
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 80 and 75 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 80-75 METERS! https://youtu.be/QkpZ10tR81g Also
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 10 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 6 METERS – THE MAGIC BAND!
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 10 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 10 METERS! https://youtu.be/Qi1cDkPYwxQ Also see Introduction
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 20 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 20 METERS! https://youtu.be/TZ5w20L1zvk Lorem ipsum dolor
Each of the ham amateur radio bands presents opportunities and challenges. Learn here about those in 40 METERS. Join Ham Radio Concepts Eric – KJ4YZI as we focus on 40 METERS! https://youtu.be/dJRSk3IpGbQ Also see Introduction
I heard Arthur N9XRY talking on the Farmington 147.030 repeater about his dabbling with VARA, a way to send email, texts, and voice on HF or VHF with your rig connected to your PC. Let’s
How to Talk on Amateur Radio – In this video, Eric-KJ4YZI explains in this video some tips and recommendations of things you can do and things you should not do on ham radio. Eric addresses
With so many ways to enjoy ham radio, you should get going with FT8 – here’s how. Watch this great video, then download WSJTx below for free. https://youtu.be/YyWX0i87P0o Download the free WSJTx program HERE –
Curated from ARRL – by Steve Ford, WB8IMY What About Antenna Tuners? When you reduce the function of an antenna tuner to the bare minimum, it’s as simple as this: It matches the impedance of the
Improve Your NET Experience – Use Netlogger, a free online tool to assist with check-ins, show who’s all there, find Nets you didn’t know existed. To Use Netlogger to View and Check Into Nets Step
Want to make electrical interference go away? Did you know it could be a symptom of a dangerous problem? To fix it, start here! These two videos will show you two different approaches to solving
HF Amateur Radio Antennas – What’s a Ham Supposed to Do? In this short video, learn the antenna types and terminology. That way, when your new ham friends discuss the subject, you’ll have a basic
The Eastern Missouri BEACON is a non-profit website that exists solely to serve as a resource for amateur radio enthusiasts. Owned, designed, and maintained by Ray-KE0YXX.