The Eastern Missouri Beacon



History – Began in 1936, first known as the Jefferson County Radio Club.

Meetings – First Saturday of each month

Annual Events – Field Day/June, Bottleneck Bridge/August, Twin City Days/September Christmas Party/December, Fox Hunt/varies

Repeaters –  FM – 147.075, OFFSET +0.6 Mhz, PL tone 141.3

C4FM Wires-X – 147.105, OFFSET +0.6 Mhz, currently no tone

COMING SOON – FM – 442.425 Mhz


President – John, N0HK

Website – Currently offline for for replacement.




Weekly Monday Night Practice Net, Each Monday 8PM CT, 147.075

Monthly Simplex Practice Net, First Monday of each month, immediately following the Weekly Practice Net on Simplex 146.550. (Alternate frequencies 146.520, 146.146.580)

– The Come As You Are Net, Each Wednesday at 9AM CT, 147.075

Gateway to the West, Each Friday 8PM CT, 147.105 Wires-X Only-On KC Wide


Club Membership Application

JCARC Members Packet and Emergency Plan – updated 8-24-23

Club News

Regular monthly meetings:

   Time/Date: 9am CT, First Saturday of each month

    Location:  300 Liguori Rd., Ligouri, MO (Barnhart) – just off the I-55 west service road (Metropolitan BLVD) – MAP

Meeting Day Breakfast – before each monthly meeting at 7:30am,  near the meeting location at Sherwood Classic Eats, 1725 Catlin Dr, Barnhart, MO.  1 mile west of I-55 on Highway M – MAP

Club News – Echolink access available now on our 147.075 repeater, KBØTLL-R.

The club  has recently opened it’s brand new all-band station, call sign KBØTLL.  The new club “shack” is located at The St. Clement Health Care Center in Ligouri, where the club also holds it’s monthly meetings.

Coming soon – An added third FM repeater on UHF, 442.425 Mhz.


History – K0AMC/The Ancient Modulators Club was founded on March 25, 2004, by Paul Allen Schlipp, K0RWU.

Location – The Greater St. Louis area. Most of the club members are from the South West County area, North Jefferson County, with others as far away as Troy, MO and South to Potosi, MO.

One club goal is to promote more AM activity in our area on six meters, and on other bands. 

Repeaters – 3 repeaters – VHF, UHF, and a 6 Meter repeater, operational beginning November 2024; The receiver is located in Liguori, Mo and the transmitter is in Barnhart, Mo… MORE INFO…

Towers – In High Ridge and Barnhart MO.  MORE INFO…

Events – CALENDAR…


Website –

Weekly NetsComplete Info…

Meetings – 3rd Saturday of each month, 11am, Wesley Rogers Banquet Room, Arnold Missouri.  DIRECTIONS

Join the Club

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Club News

Once again this year, members of the AMARC are invited to attend the The JCARC December club meeting and Annual Christmas Party  which will be held on Saturday Dec. 3 from 1-4pm at Wesley Roger’s Steak and Buffet – 3601 Jeffco Blvd, Arnold, MO 63010 (Corner of Jeffco BLVD and Richardson Rd.) – MAP

Once again, members of the AMARC are invited to attend the JCARC December Club Meeting and Christmas Party – Details posted above.


Meetings – Second Saturday of each month at 9AM, Bonne Terre Fire Department.  MAP

VE Testing – after meetings, approximately 10am

Annual Events – Field Day

Repeaters –  FM – (All welcome)

147.030, PL Tone 100, offset +600 kHz


President – Ben, W1BTM

Website –



Weekly Net – Each Monday 7PM CT, 147.030

The Mineral Area Bible Study Net – Each Tuesday, 7:00 PM, 147.030

Eastern Ozark ARES Net – Each Thursday, 6:30 PM, 147.030

Weekly Simplex Net – Each Thursday, 7PM – 146.535 Mhz Simplex 

Club News


History – Originally formed in 1947, the Suburban Radio Club became SLSRC in 2004 as we absorbed the St. Louis Repeater Association.

Meetings – First Friday of each month at 7PM, Goldfarb School of Nursing, Missouri Baptist Medical Center.  MAP…

Monthly Breakfast – 3rd Saturday of the Month, 8AM CT.  Denny’s on Watson Rd.  MAP…

Annual Events – 2 Meter Simplex Sprint/May, Field Day/June, Holiday Party/December, Winterfest/January


Operating out of Olivette:

146.850 (-) 141.3 in/out – analog only
443.075 (+) 141.3 in/out – analog + C4FM (AMS mode)

Operating out of Clayton:
146.940 (-) 141.3 in/out – analog + C4FM (AMS mode)
442.100 (+) 141.3 in – analog only

Operating out of Des Peres:

146.910 (-) 141.3 in – analog only

Operating out of St. Louis City:
146.970 (-) 141.3 in/out – analog + C4FM


President – Brendan – KE0FCG

Website –

Contact Form


ON-THE-AIR – Weekly Club Net, Each Monday 7:30PM CT, 146.850, -600  OFFSET, PL /tone  141.3 – Or check in at 7:25-7:30 via Echolink

Membership Application

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Club News


History – Founded in 1929, we are  the 3rd oldest continuously active club in the US.  The club was named because that area in STL Metro East is nick-named “Little Egypt.”

For more, see the Egyptian Radio Club History Page

Location – St. Louis, MO

Annual Events – EgyptianFest/Sunday June 12 (see club news)


146.760 – PL 141.3 in downtown St. Louis,

146.790 – PL 127.3 in Edwardsville, IL

224.060 – PL 127.3 in Edwardsville, IL

443.325 + PL 141.3 in downtown St. Louis

442.400 + PL 127.3 in Edwardsville, IL


President – William – N9OQK

Website –


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Club News


History – The St. Charles Amateur Radio Club was organized by a small number of St. Louis area Hams in 1973. Some of the original charter members are still active in the club today. The Club has over 100 members.

Club Activities – See current CALENDAR

Location – St. Charles County, MO

Annual Events – Field Day, Menards/St. Peters; Hamfest Aug. 13, O’Fallon.


3 repeaters, 2 on VHF and 1 on UHF.  All three are active, but 145.33 is busiest because it has the largest coverage.
  • 2M WB0HSI 146.67(-) no tone.  FM Analog.  In O’Fallon, with remote receiver sites in St. Charles and Augusta.
  • 2M KO0A 145.33(-) no tone.  FM Analog.  In St. Charles, with remote receiver sites in Warrenton, Augusta, and downtown St. Louis.
  • 70CM WB0HSI 444.65(+) no tone.  DMR only.  Located in St Charles and configured with Color Code = 2, TS1 static on STL Metro, and TS2 dynamic PTT through Brandmeister.


President – Carl AE0CJ –



To JoinJoin Us Page

Meetings – Back in person.  7:00 PM the 4th Monday of each month, except December. Our current meeting location is: VFW Post 5077, 8500 Veterans Memorial Parkway,  O’Fallon, MO – MAP Meeting info announced on 143.330.

VE Testing – 6pm, same date/location

License Training – Available for Spring & Fall Semesters through St Charles Community College – See our Get Licensed page for more info.

Club News

We’re excited to be back, meeting in person once again.  Our meetings are at 7pm, and at 6pm we have VE in the back, social time out front.  Visitors are welcome.

Join us for our Saturday Morning Breakfasts, Golden Corral, 1301 Bramblett Rd, O’Fallon, MO 63366 – MAP


History – The St. Charles Amateur Radio Club was organized by a small number of St. Louis area Hams in 1973. Some of the original charter members are still active in the club today. The Club has over 100 members.

Club Activities – See current CALENDAR

Location – St. Charles County, MO

Annual Events – Field Day, Menards/St. Peters; Hamfest Aug. 13, O’Fallon.


3 repeaters, 2 on VHF and 1 on UHF.  All three are active, but 145.33 is busiest because it has the largest coverage.
  • 2M WB0HSI 146.67(-) no tone.  FM Analog.  In O’Fallon, with remote receiver sites in St. Charles and Augusta.
  • 2M KO0A 145.33(-) no tone.  FM Analog.  In St. Charles, with remote receiver sites in Warrenton, Augusta, and downtown St. Louis.
  • 70CM WB0HSI 444.65(+) no tone.  DMR only.  Located in St Charles and configured with Color Code = 2, TS1 static on STL Metro, and TS2 dynamic PTT through Brandmeister.


President – Carl AE0CJ –


To JoinJoin Us Page

Meetings – Back in person.  7:00 PM the 4th Monday of each month, except December. Our current meeting location is: VFW Post 5077, 8500 Veterans Memorial Parkway,  O’Fallon, MO – MAP Meeting info announced on 143.330.

VE Testing – 6pm, same date/location

License Training – Available for Spring & Fall Semesters through St Charles Community College – See our Get Licensed page for more info.

Club News

We’re excited to be back, meeting in person once again.  Our meetings are at 7pm, and at 6pm we have VE in the back, social time out front.  Visitors are welcome.

Join us for our Saturday Morning Breakfasts, Golden Corral, 1301 Bramblett Rd, O’Fallon, MO 63366 – MAP


History – The club came together organically over a period of years. Annually we would get together and operate for Winter Field Day. As our WFD crew got larger, we started discussing other activations and more people became interested in joining us, so we formed the Missouri Outdoor Club in December of 2020 as a way to involve more people in our shared interests.

With a couple of WFD events under our belt, a SOTA activation, several POTA activations we continue to seek out ways to activate radios within nature. The club has grown from the initial 3 members to over a dozen.

Events – Winter Field Day/Last Weekend in January, Parks on the Air (POTA), Summits on the Air (57 official summits in MO), Fred Fish Memorial Award


Club News

Thanks to club president Gregory W0KNG for reaching out to the Eastern Missouri Beacon to be added to our club page!


Meetings – Second Thursday of each month in the meeting room of Sullivan Fire Protection District House #5 – MAP…

Annual Events – Annual VHF Day/April,  Field Day/June, Bottleneck Bridge/August, Twin City Days/September, Christmas Party/December, Fox Hunt/varies

HARN – Club assistance with Missouri Baptist Hospital/Sullivan with their communication needs.

Repeaters –  FM – 146.805, OFFSET +0.6 MHz, Tone 110.9, Sullivan Water Tower

APRS Only – 145.390


President,  Bill – N0NOE 

Website –

Contact Form

Email –

ON-THE-AIR – Weekly Practice Net, Each Monday 8PM CT, 147.075

Weekly Round-Table, Each Friday 8PM CT, 147.105 Wire-X Only

Club Membership Application

Club News

About the National ARES/RACES Organizations

Emergency service is one of the basics of the Amateur Radio Service. and there ARES is the ARRL arm of emergency services and RACES is the federal government arm.

ARES is activated before, during and after an emergency. Generally, ARES handles all emergency messages, including those between government emergency management officials. 

RACES, on the other hand, almost never starts before an emergency and is active only during the emergency and during the immediate aftermath if government emergency management offices need communications support. RACES is normally shut down shortly after the emergency has cleared. 

Eastern Missouri Affiliated Clubs

Because emergency service is so important to amateur radio and our local communities, you are encouraged to reach out to your local club below:

Jefferson County – WEBSITE

St. Francois County – WEBSITE

St. Louis Metro –WEBSITE

Franklin County – WEBSITE

Madison County IL – WEBSITE

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Club News

Weekly 2 meter voice nets:
The weekly ARES® 2 meter resources net operates on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM Central Time. The net is on the W0SRC repeater, frequency 146.850 (-) MHz, tone 141.3 Hz. 
Immediately following the resources net is the weekly ARES® message practice session. A test message is read over the air to give you an opportunity to practice copying down formal traffic


ARRL was created to “advance the art, science, and enjoyment of Amateur Radio.”  It is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US. Founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim as The American Radio Relay League, ARRL is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs. ARRL numbers within its ranks the vast majority of active radio amateurs in the nation and has a proud history of achievement as the standard-bearer in amateur affairs. ARRL’s underpinnings as Amateur Radio’s witness, partner and forum are defined by five pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership. 



Regarding ARRL, you are encouraged to do two things:

  1. Become a member
  2. Explore their vast website and the incredible services they provide

Their services include – Licensing training, awards, contests, the Logbook of the World, youth involvement, new ham resources, and MUCH, MUCH MORE.


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Club News

Join or renew your membership HERE.

Add another club? Add to or edit club info?

Tell us in the Contact Form below!

The Eastern Missouri Beacon Contact Form

The Eastern Missouri BEACON is a non-profit website that exists solely to serve as a resource for amateur radio enthusiasts. Owned, designed, and maintained by Ray-KE0YXX.