The Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club, in the spring of 2023, began monthly tests of simplex capabilities. Terrain challenges in an area that encompasses 656.3 square miles ranges from 445-1000 ft above sea level has led to experimentation. Tests began with monthly simplex nets on 2-meter FM at 146.550Mhz. The conclusions of those tests – depending on conditions, most attendees can hear 80-90% of the net check-ins. Yet, teamwork within the participants typically yield near 100% success in passing traffic with the use of relays.
In order to supplement the “line-of-sight” FM 2-meter simplex communications, the club is beginning to test local communication on HF (80, 75, 40 meters) using NVIS configured antennas. You are invited to watch this video as JCARC repeater trustee Adam Allen NØZIB demonstrates how to easily and inexpensively build an NVIS configured antenna.